Friday, May 28, 2010

65 Roses Day

Today is one special day as today is 65 Roses Day. 65 Roses Day was named after the folklore story of a little boy who couldn't pronounce his sister's condition, Cystic Fibrosis. He instead called it "65 Roses". It's special as it's the annual awareness day for Cystic Fibrosis in Australia. In the spirit of this day, I'll share some Cystic Fibrosis facts.

Cystic Fibrosis affects 3000 Australians. Approximately 1 in every 2500 babies are born with this condition. As of today, it is the most common life threatening recessive genetic condition affecting children and young adults in Australia. Cystic Fibrosis affects the breathing and the digestion and although there has been advancements, there are still many children who do not reach adulthood. Currently there is no cure.

Info Credit:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Font Fight

My typo tutor shared with us this very hilarious clip and I thought I would share. It's written and shot by College Humor. The video is titled Font Fight and is the sequel to Font Conference, which you should also checkout (link provided below). It's a typeface-off that you wouldn't want to miss!

Go to to check out Font Conference, which is equally as hilarious!

Video Credit: CollegeHumor,,
Video Source: Will (williamaguiar),

Friday, May 7, 2010

Typeface Limelight

I was just reminiscing back to my first year as a design student and about all the things I learnt. The one thing that stood out most was everybody's love for Helvetica. The teachers loved Helvetica. The students loved Helvetica. Everybody in visual communication seemed to love Helvetica. It's a favourite among everybody and it's popularity is definitely well earned. Helvetica is very neutral and has great clarity, thus giving it great usability. While I only have great things to say about Helvetica, today's posting actually isn't about Helvetica. Today's posting is actually about giving other typefaces a chance to shine, so without further ado, let's meet Arial and ITC Eras.

Everyone would have at least used the typeface Arial one time or another in their life or at least heard about it. I remember using it all through high school and I loved it! It was pretty much standard for teachers to give us assignment criteria with the option of using either Arial or Times New Roman, and while I have nothing against Times New Roman, I always favoured Arial. I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm a sans-serif type of person. I honestly don't know why I'm so drawn to sans-serif typefaces. Perhaps it's because they're so neat looking? What makes Arial so appealing is the many weights it comes in. It's also has a neat presentation and has great readability. Unfortunately for Arial, not everyone shares the same appreciation for it like I do. Professional typographers and type enthusiast disregard it due to its similarity to other typefaces to the degree that it has been nickname the 'Helvetica stand-in'. My opinion of Arial won't change. I grew up with it. It has served me well over the years so my love for it won't die.

Speaking of my love for Arial, my love for ITC Eras won't die either. I fell in love with it in my first year. It's such a lovely typeface. I love it for its form and the fact that it comes in different weights is an added bonus. ITC Eras is distinctive as it has open bowls on the characters a, P, R, 6 an 9. It's organic, clean and sleek. What more is there to say expect that I absolutely adore it!

So there you have it, the awesomeness of Arial and ITC Eras. Two typefaces that most definitely deserve the typeface limelight!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Arabian Princess

At first glance,you would assume I wasn't the type to care about fashion. I would have to agree with you but only to some degree. I'm the jeans and tee type of girl. I would choose comfort any day. I'm unwilling to spend thousands of dollars on something I would most likely wear once unless it was for my wedding. I am however very aware of its importance and I do appreciate fashion for what it is — expression. I get it! I'm a designer as well, second-year visual communication, and am in awe whenever I see fashion shows. Never actually attended one but I've seen snippets and can I say there are some brilliant designers out there! This now leads me to my first post on design and the honour goes to, drum roll please, Alex Perry! Can I say the honour is all mine? He's absolutely fabulous! His designs at the RAFW were stunning! I loved them!!! There were long flowing gowns with the most beautifully detailed beading, which to me seem to have come straight out of a fairytale and then there were his mini hemline dresses, which were as equally exquisite. They also had this touch of sexiness about them.Alex Perry has definitely out-done himself. It was just breath-taking and very fitting to the theme of Arabian Princess.

After-thought Rants: Yes, I know jeans and tee can be high-end. Yes, I know high-end fashion can be comfortable. Yes, I know fashion doesn't have to be expensive. Let's just assume, for this posting, fashion is uncomfortable and pricey.

Photo Credit: Lucas Dawson,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

To New Beginnings

Never in a million years would I have thought I would be blogging. It just didn't seem like a Vanita thing to do. I was never the type to write about my life in a diary let alone write about my thoughts, daily dealings and well, everything on a site for the world to see, figuratively speaking off course. I'm hoping that by doing this, it will open my eyes. I'm planning to post things all design with splashes from everywhereon here so I can see the things that inspire me and hopefully it will push me to do better. Now let's all raise our glasses to new beginnings!